inherited TextViewFrame: TTextViewFrame object MainPanel: TUiPanel [0] Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 790 Height = 363 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 OnResize = MainPanelResize object OutputSplitter: TUiSplitter Left = 0 Top = 245 Width = 790 Height = 3 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alTop AutoSnap = False OnMoved = OutputSplitterMoved end object ComparePanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 790 Height = 245 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object InputPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 790 Height = 173 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 OnResize = InputPanelResize object Splitter: TUiSplitter Left = 260 Top = 0 Height = 173 AutoSnap = False OnMoved = SplitterMoved end object CenterSplitter: TUiSplitter Left = 527 Top = 0 Height = 173 Align = alRight AutoSnap = False OnMoved = CenterSplitterMoved end object LeftPanel: TUiPanel Tag = 1 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 260 Height = 173 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 0 end object CenterPanel: TUiPanel Tag = 2 Left = 263 Top = 0 Width = 264 Height = 173 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 1 end object RightPanel: TUiPanel Tag = 2 Left = 530 Top = 0 Width = 260 Height = 173 Align = alRight BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 2 end end object DetailsPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 173 Width = 790 Height = 72 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 1 OnResize = DetailsPanelResize end end object OutputPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 248 Width = 790 Height = 115 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 1 end end inherited JobProgressPanel: TUiPanel TabOrder = 1 end inherited MessagePanel: TUiPanel TabOrder = 2 end inherited StatusBar: TUiStatusBar Panels = < item Style = psOwnerDraw Width = 225 Images = BcImages.ContentImages end item Width = 300 end item Alignment = taCenter Width = 70 end item Width = 125 end item Width = 50 end> end inherited Actions: TUiActionList object FileFormatAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Text Format...' Hint = 'Text Format|Edits current Text Format.' ImageIndex = imgTextFormatEdit OnExecute = FileFormatExecute ShortCaption = 'Format' end object ReportAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Text Compare Re&port...' Hint = 'Text Compare Report|Produces the Text Compare report.' ImageIndex = imgReport OnExecute = ReportExecute ShortCaption = 'Report' end object InfoAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Text Compare &Info' Hint = 'Text Compare Info|Displays compare statistics.' ImageIndex = imgInfo OnExecute = InfoExecute ShortCaption = 'Info' end object CheckInAction: TUiAction Category = 'File' Caption = 'Check In...' Hint = 'Check In File|Checks file into source control.' OnExecute = CheckInExecute end object CheckOutAction: TUiAction Category = 'File' Caption = 'Check Out' Hint = 'Check Out File|Checks out file from source control.' OnExecute = CheckOutExecute end object UndoCheckOutAction: TUiAction Category = 'File' Caption = 'Undo Check Out' Hint = 'Undo Check Out|Undoes checkout from source control.' OnExecute = UndoCheckOutExecute end object AlignWithAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Align With...' Hint = 'Align With|Marks item for manual realignment.' OnExecute = AlignWithExecute end object IsolateAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Isolate' Hint = 'Isolate|Realigns comparison so that selected lines are by themse' + 'lves.' OnExecute = IsolateExecute ShortCaption = 'Isolate' end object CopyRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Copy to Right' Hint = 'Copy to Right|Copies selected lines or current section to right ' + 'pane.' OnExecute = CopySideExecute ShortCaption = 'Right' StaticImageIndex = imgCopyRight end object CopyLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Copy to Left' Hint = 'Copy to Left|Copies selected lines or current section to left pa' + 'ne.' OnExecute = CopySideExecute ShortCaption = 'Left' StaticImageIndex = imgCopyLeft end object CopySideAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' OnExecute = CopySideExecute Desc = 'Copy to Other Side|Copies selected lines or current section to p' + 'ane on other side.' StaticImageIndex = -2 end object CopyItemRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Copy Line to Right' Hint = 'Copy Line to Right|Copies current line to right pane.' OnExecute = CopyItemSideExecute end object CopyItemLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Copy Line to Left' Hint = 'Copy Line to Left|Copies current line to left pane.' OnExecute = CopyItemSideExecute end object CopyItemSideAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' OnExecute = CopyItemSideExecute Desc = 'Copy Line to Other Side|Copies current line to pane on other sid' + 'e.' StaticImageIndex = -2 end object ConflictAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Conflict' Hint = 'Conflict|Clears or sets conflict for selected lines or current s' + 'ection.' ImageIndex = imgConflict OnExecute = ConflictExecute ShortCaption = 'Conflict' end object TakeLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Left' Hint = 'Take Left|Takes selected lines or current section from left pane' + '.' OnExecute = TakeExecute ShortCaption = 'Left' end object TakeCenterAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Center' Hint = 'Take Center|Takes selected lines or current section from center ' + 'pane.' OnExecute = TakeExecute ShortCaption = 'Center' end object TakeRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Right' Hint = 'Take Right|Takes selected lines or current section from right pa' + 'ne.' OnExecute = TakeExecute ShortCaption = 'Right' end object TakeLeftRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Left Then Right' Hint = 'Take Left Then Right|Takes selected lines or current section fro' + 'm left then right panes.' OnExecute = TakeBothExecute end object TakeRightLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Right Then Left' Hint = 'Take Right Then Left|Takes selected lines or current section fro' + 'm right then left panes.' OnExecute = TakeBothExecute end object TakeItemLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Left Line' Hint = 'Take Left Line|Takes current line from left pane.' OnExecute = TakeItemExecute end object TakeItemCenterAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Center Line' Hint = 'Take Center Line|Takes current line from center pane.' OnExecute = TakeItemExecute end object TakeItemRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Take Right Line' Hint = 'Take Right Line|Takes current line from right pane.' OnExecute = TakeItemExecute end object IncreaseIndentAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'I&ncrease Indent' Hint = 'Increase Indent|Increases indentation of selected lines.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object DecreaseIndentAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'D&ecrease Indent' Hint = 'Decrease Indent|Descreases indentation of selected lines.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object CutAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Cu&t' Hint = 'Cut|Cuts selection and puts it on Clipboard.' ImageIndex = imgCut OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute ShortCaption = 'Cut' end object CopyAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Copy' Hint = 'Copy|Copies selection and puts it on Clipboard.' ImageIndex = imgCopy OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute ShortCaption = 'Copy' end object PasteAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Paste' Hint = 'Paste|Inserts Clipboard contents.' ImageIndex = imgPaste OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute ShortCaption = 'Paste' end object DeleteAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Delete' Hint = 'Delete|Deletes selection.' ImageIndex = imgDelete OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute ShortCaption = 'Delete' end object DeleteItemAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Delete Line' Hint = 'Delete Line|Deletes current line.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object DeleteItemBeginAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Delete to Start of Line' Hint = 'Delete to Start of Line|Deletes to start of current line.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object DeleteItemEndAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Delete to End of Line' Hint = 'Delete to End of Line|Deletes to end of current line.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object DeleteWordAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Delete Word' Hint = 'Delete Word|Deletes current word.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object DeleteWordBeginAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Delete to Start of Word' Hint = 'Delete to Start of Word|Deletes to start of current word.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object DeleteWordEndAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Delete to End of Word' Hint = 'Delete to End of Word|Deletes to end of current word.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object InsertItemBeforeAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Insert Line &Before' Hint = 'Insert Line Before|Inserts new line before current one.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object InsertItemAfterAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Insert Line &After' Hint = 'Insert Line After|Inserts new line after current one.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object SelectAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Select All' Hint = 'Select All|Selects all visible lines.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute ShortCaption = 'Select' end object SelectSectionAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Select Secti&on' Hint = 'Select Section|Selects all lines in current section.' OnExecute = EditorCommandExecute end object ConvertAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Convert File' Hint = 'Convert File|Lists file conversions.' OnExecute = ConvertPopulate end object TrimTrailWSAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Trim Trailing Whitespace' Hint = 'Trim Trailing Whitespace|Strips off spaces and tab characters at' + ' the end of lines.' OnExecute = ConvertExecute end object LeadSpaceToTabAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Leading Spaces to Tabs' Hint = 'Leading Spaces to Tabs|Replaces spaces at the beginning of lines' + ' with tab characters.' OnExecute = ConvertExecute end object TabToSpaceAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Tabs to Spaces' Hint = 'Tabs to Spaces|Replaces tab characters with spaces.' OnExecute = ConvertExecute end object FullEditAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' AutoCheck = True Caption = '&Full Edit' Hint = 'Full Edit|Enables character-mode editing in the main file view.' ImageIndex = imgFullEdit OnExecute = FullEditExecute ShortCaption = 'Edit' end object ConflictSectionOffNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Clear Conflict Section, Next' Hint = 'Clear Conflict Section, Next|Clears conflict for current section' + ' and positions at next conflict section.' ImageIndex = imgConflictSectionOffNext OnExecute = ConflictSectionOffNextExecute ShortCaption = 'Clear Conflict, Next' end object ConflictSectionNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Conflict Section' Hint = 'Next Conflict Section|Positions at next conflict section.' ImageIndex = imgConflictSectionNext OnExecute = ConflictSectionNextExecute ShortCaption = 'Next Conflict' StaticImageIndex = imgConflictSectionNext end object ConflictSectionPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Conflict Section' Hint = 'Previous Conflict Section|Positions at previous conflict section' + '.' ImageIndex = imgConflictSectionPrev OnExecute = ConflictSectionPrevExecute ShortCaption = 'Prev Conflict' StaticImageIndex = imgConflictSectionPrev end object DiffNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Difference' Hint = 'Next Difference|Positions at next difference text.' OnExecute = DiffNextExecute end object DiffPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Difference' Hint = 'Previous Difference|Positions at previous difference text.' OnExecute = DiffPrevExecute end object DiffSectionNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Next Difference Section' Hint = 'Next Difference Section|Positions at next unignored difference s' + 'ection.' OnExecute = DiffSectionNextExecute ShortCaption = 'Next Section' StaticImageIndex = imgDown end object DiffSectionPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Previous Difference Section' Hint = 'Previous Difference Section|Positions at previous unignored diff' + 'erence section.' OnExecute = DiffSectionPrevExecute ShortCaption = 'Prev Section' StaticImageIndex = imgUp end object DiffReplacedNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Replacement' Hint = 'Next Replacement|Positions at next replacement text.' OnExecute = DiffNextExecute end object DiffReplacedPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Replacement' Hint = 'Previous Replacement|Positions at previous replacement text.' OnExecute = DiffPrevExecute end object TakenLeftNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Left Taken' Hint = 'Next Left Taken|Positions at next range of lines where left was ' + 'taken.' OnExecute = TakenNextExecute end object TakenLeftPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Left Taken' Hint = 'Previous Left Taken|Positions at previous range of lines where l' + 'eft was taken.' OnExecute = TakenPrevExecute end object TakenRightNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Right Taken' Hint = 'Next Right Taken|Positions at next range of lines where right wa' + 's taken.' OnExecute = TakenNextExecute end object TakenRightPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Right Taken' Hint = 'Previous Right Taken|Positions at previous range of lines where ' + 'right was taken.' OnExecute = TakenPrevExecute end object EditNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Edit' Hint = 'Next Edit|Positions at next edited text.' OnExecute = EditNextExecute end object EditPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Edit' Hint = 'Previous Edit|Positions at previous edited text.' OnExecute = EditPrevExecute end object ExistsNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Existing Line' Hint = 'Next Existing Line|Positions at next existing line, skipping ove' + 'r gaps.' OnExecute = ExistsNextExecute end object ExistsPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Existing Line' Hint = 'Previous Existing Line|Positions at previous existing line, skip' + 'ping over gaps.' OnExecute = ExistsPrevExecute end object FindAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Find...' Hint = 'Find|Finds search string.' ImageIndex = imgFind OnExecute = FindReplaceExecute ShortCaption = 'Find' end object ReplaceAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Replace...' Hint = 'Replace|Replaces search string.' ImageIndex = imgReplace OnExecute = FindReplaceExecute ShortCaption = 'Replace' end object FindNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Find Next' Hint = 'Find Next|Finds next occurrence of search string.' ImageIndex = imgFindNext OnExecute = FindNextPrevExecute ShortCaption = 'Next' end object FindPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Find Previous' Hint = 'Find Previous|Finds previous occurrence of search string.' ImageIndex = imgFindPrev OnExecute = FindNextPrevExecute ShortCaption = 'Prev' end object GoToAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Go To...' Hint = 'Go To|Positions at specified line and column.' ImageIndex = imgGoTo OnExecute = GoToExecute ShortCaption = 'Go To' end object BookmarkToggleAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Toggle &Bookmark' Hint = 'Toggle Bookmark|Lists bookmarks that can be set or cleared.' OnExecute = BookmarkTogglePopulate end object BookmarkGoToAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go to Boo&kmark' Hint = 'Go to Bookmark|Lists bookmarks that can be positioned at.' OnExecute = BookmarkGoToPopulate end object BookmarkClearAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Clear Bookmarks' Hint = 'Clear Bookmarks|Removes all bookmarks.' OnExecute = BookmarkClearExecute end object GoLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Left' Hint = 'Go Left|Positions in pane left of selected one.' OnExecute = GoLeftExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Left' end object GoRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Right' Hint = 'Go Right|Positions in pane right of selected one.' OnExecute = GoRightExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Right' end object GoInputAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Input' Hint = 'Go Input|Positions in previously selected input pane.' OnExecute = GoInputExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Input' end object GoOutputAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Output' Hint = 'Go Output|Positions in output pane.' OnExecute = GoOutputExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Output' end object GoNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Next' Hint = 'Go Next|Positions in pane after selected one.' OnExecute = GoNextExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Next' end object GoPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Prev' Hint = 'Go Prev|Positions in pane before selected one.' OnExecute = GoPrevExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Prev' end object NavDiffAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Browse by Difference' GroupIndex = 100 Hint = 'Browse by Difference' OnExecute = NavExecute end object NavDiffSectionAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Browse by Difference Section' GroupIndex = 100 Hint = 'Browse by Difference Section' OnExecute = NavExecute end object NavDiffReplacedAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Browse by Replacement' GroupIndex = 100 Hint = 'Browse by Replacement' OnExecute = NavExecute end object NavTakenLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Browse by Left Taken' GroupIndex = 100 Hint = 'Browse by Left Taken' OnExecute = NavExecute end object NavTakenRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Browse by Right Taken' GroupIndex = 100 Hint = 'Browse by Right Taken' OnExecute = NavExecute end object NavEditAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Browse by Edit' GroupIndex = 100 Hint = 'Browse by Edit' OnExecute = NavExecute end object NavFindAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Browse by Find' GroupIndex = 100 Hint = 'Browse by Find' OnExecute = NavExecute end object FavCompareAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show All' Hint = 'Show All|Shows same, left orphan, right orphan and difference li' + 'nes.' ImageIndex = imgFavAll OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'All' end object FavDiffAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show Differences' Hint = 'Show Differences|Shows left orphan, right orphan and difference ' + 'lines.' ImageIndex = imgFavDiff OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object FavSameAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show Same' Hint = 'Show Same|Shows same lines.' ImageIndex = imgFavSame OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object FavCompareNoneAction: TUiAction Category = 'None' Caption = 'Show None' Hint = 'Show None|Shows no lines.' ImageIndex = imgFavNone OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'None' end object FavMergeAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show All' Hint = 'Show All|Shows unchanged, same change, left change, right change' + ', different change and conflict lines.' ImageIndex = imgFavAll OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'All' end object FavChangedAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Changes' Hint = 'Show Changes|Shows same change, left change, right change, diffe' + 'rent change and conflict lines.' ImageIndex = imgFavDiff OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object FavConflictAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Conflicts' Hint = 'Show Conflicts|Shows conflict lines.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Conflicts' end object FavLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Left Changes' Hint = 'Show Left Changes|Shows same change, left change, different chan' + 'ge and conflict lines.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Left' end object FavRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Right Changes' Hint = 'Show Right Changes|Shows same change, right change, different ch' + 'ange and conflict lines.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Right' end object FavMergeableAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Mergeable' Hint = 'Show Mergeable|Shows same change, left change, right change and ' + 'different change lines.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Okay' end object FavUnchangedAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show Unchanged' Hint = 'Show Unchanged|Shows unchanged lines.' ImageIndex = imgFavSame OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object FavMergeNoneAction: TUiAction Category = 'None' Caption = 'Show None' Hint = 'Show None|Shows no lines.' ImageIndex = imgFavNone OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'None' end object TogSameAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Same' Hint = 'Toggle Same|Shows or hides same lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object TogLeftOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Left Orphans' Hint = 'Toggle Left Orphans|Shows or hides left orphan lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Left' end object TogRightOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Right Orphans' Hint = 'Toggle Right Orphans|Shows or hides right orphan lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Right' end object TogDiffAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Differences' Hint = 'Toggle Differences|Shows or hides difference lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object TogNoModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Unchanged' Hint = 'Toggle Unchanged|Shows or hides unchanged lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object TogSameModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Same Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Same Changes|Shows or hides same change lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Same Diffs' end object TogLeftModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Left Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Left Changes|Shows or hides left change lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Left' end object TogRightModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Right Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Right Changes|Shows or hides right change lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Right' end object TogDiffModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Different Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Different Changes|Shows or hides different change lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object TogConflictAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Conflicts' Hint = 'Toggle Conflicts|Shows or hides conflict lines.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Conflicts' end object ShowContextAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Show &Context' Hint = 'Show Context|Shows lines surrounding difference.' ImageIndex = imgShowContext OnExecute = ShowContextExecute ShortCaption = 'Context' end object FavorLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Favor Left Changes' Hint = 'Favor Left Changes|Suppresses highlighting of left-only changes ' + 'in output.' ImageIndex = imgFavorLeft OnExecute = FavorSideExecute ShortCaption = 'Favor Left' end object FavorRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Favor Right Changes' Hint = 'Favor Right Changes|Suppresses highlighting of right-only change' + 's in output.' ImageIndex = imgFavorRight OnExecute = FavorSideExecute ShortCaption = 'Favor Right' end object IgnoredAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'I&gnored' Hint = 'Ignored|Ignores or unignores differences in selected lines or cu' + 'rrent section.' ImageIndex = imgIgnored OnExecute = IgnoredExecute ShortCaption = 'Ignored' end object ShowWSAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Visible &Whitespace' Hint = 'Visible Whitespace|Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.' ImageIndex = imgShowWS OnExecute = StateExecute ShortCaption = 'Space' end object ShowItemNumAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Line &Numbers' Hint = 'Line Numbers|Shows or hides line numbers.' ImageIndex = imgShowLineNum OnExecute = StateExecute ShortCaption = 'Line #s' end object ShowSyntaxHighlightingAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Syntax &Highlighting' Hint = 'Syntax Highlighting|Shows or hides syntax highlighting.' ImageIndex = imgShowSyntaxHighlighting OnExecute = ShowSyntaxHighlightingExecute ShortCaption = 'Syntax' end object DisplayFontAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Display &Font...' Hint = 'Display Font|Sets editor font.' ImageIndex = imgDisplayFont OnExecute = DisplayFontExecute ShortCaption = 'Font' end object SideBySideAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Side-by-side &Layout' GroupIndex = 20 Hint = 'Side-by-side Layout|Arranges panes side-by-side.' ImageIndex = imgSideBySide OnExecute = OverUnderExecute ShortCaption = 'Normal' end object OverUnderAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = '&Over-under Layout' GroupIndex = 20 Hint = 'Over-under Layout|Arranges panes above and below each other.' ImageIndex = imgOverUnder OnExecute = OverUnderExecute ShortCaption = 'Stacked' end object OutputWindowAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Output Window' Hint = 'Output Window|Shows output pane in separate window.' OnExecute = OutputWindowExecute end object ZoomAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Zoom' Hint = 'Zoom|Makes selected pane larger.' OnExecute = ZoomExecute end object ShowThumbnailAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Thu&mbnail View' Hint = 'Thumbnail View|Shows or hides thumbnail view.' ImageIndex = imgShowThumbnail OnExecute = ShowThumbnailExecute ShortCaption = 'Thumb' end object ShowCenterAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Center Pane' Hint = 'Center Pane|Shows or hides center pane.' ImageIndex = imgShowCenter OnExecute = ShowCenterExecute ShortCaption = 'Center' end object ShowTextDetailsAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Text &Details' Hint = 'Text Details|Shows or hides text details panel.' ImageIndex = imgShowTextDetails OnExecute = ShowDetailsExecute ShortCaption = 'Details' end object ShowHexDetailsAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'He&x Details' Hint = 'Hex Details|Shows or hides hexadecimal details panel.' ImageIndex = imgShowHexDetails OnExecute = ShowDetailsExecute ShortCaption = 'Hex' end object ShowRulerAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = '&Ruler' Hint = 'Ruler|Shows or hides line details ruler.' ImageIndex = imgShowRuler OnExecute = ShowRulerExecute ShortCaption = 'Ruler' end object OverwritingAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Overwrite' Hint = 'Overwrite|Typing replaces characters instead of inserting them.' OnExecute = StateExecute ShortCaption = 'Ovr' end object HideThumbnailAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Hide' Hint = 'Hide Thumbnail View|Hides thumbnail view.' OnExecute = ShowThumbnailExecute end object ScrollThumbnailAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Allow Scrolling' Hint = 'Allow Thumbnail Scrolling|Allows scrolling of thumbnail view of ' + 'large files, instead of compressing the thumbnail to fit.' OnExecute = FilePrefsExecute end object CollapseGapAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Collapse Filtered Gap' Hint = 'Collapse Filtered Gap|Hides range of lines not matching display ' + 'filter.' OnExecute = GapExpandedExecute end object ExpandGapAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Expand Filtered Gap' Hint = 'Expand Filtered Gap|Shows range of lines not matching display fi' + 'lter.' OnExecute = GapExpandedExecute end object ShowGapBarsAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Show Filtered Line Counts' Hint = 'Show Filtered Line Counts|Show or hide filtered line counts.' OnExecute = PrefsExecute end object HideCenterAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Hide' Hint = 'Hide Center Pane|Hides center pane.' OnExecute = ShowCenterExecute end object HideDetailsAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Hide' Hint = 'Hide Details Panel|Hides line details panel.' OnExecute = ShowDetailsExecute end object HexDetailsAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Show as Hex' Hint = 'Show Details as Hex|Changes line details between text and hexade' + 'cimal views.' OnExecute = ShowDetailsExecute end object ShowDetailsWSAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Lock Visible &Whitespace' Hint = 'Lock Visible Whitespace|Show visible spaces in line details, reg' + 'ardless of main editor setting.' ImageIndex = imgShowWS OnExecute = StateExecute end end end